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Join the HKFA
會員類別 Type of Membership:
本人現申請加入香港鑄造業總會,並特此聲明上述之資料為正確及在被批准成為會員後絕對遵守協會會章內之一切條文。The undersigned hereby applies for membership of the Hong Kong Foundry Association and certifies that all statement made above are correct, and if elected to membership, agrees to be governed by the Constitution and By laws of the Association.
請將入會申請表連同商業登記證影印本、名片、司標(如有)、公司簡介及適當面額付款支票(抬頭人請寫 “香港鑄造業總會有限公司”)提交到附件,附件提交後會有秘書處聯系。
Please attach a photocopy of your Business Registration Certificate, Name Card, Logo and cheques for the appropriate amount made payable to the “Hong Kong Foundry Association Ltd.” Submit to the attachment, and the Secretariat will contact you after the attachment is submitted.

Joining hands with excellent enterprises in the casting industry to promote their own growth and drive industry development

  • HongKong Headquarters

    Tel.: (852) 2463 5388

    Fax: (852) 2464 2298


    Address: Room 1103, Nam Fung Commercial Centre, 19 Lam Lok Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

  • Mainland Office
    Tel.: (86) 0755-8469 1266

    Fax: (86) 0755-8469 1366


Copyright 2024 by the Hong Kong Foundry Association